Digitale medier i uge 33 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Du kan altid afmelde dig igen ved at bruge linket i bunden af hvert nyhedsbrev

Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😬 Facebook-fejl skabte bekymring

Fra denne uges Ugerevy-artikel:

“En fejl hos Facebook betød, at der ikke blev vist uddrag på links. Hvad enten det var en fejl eller et snedigt greb, viser det en mediebranche, der ikke stoler på Facebook.”

🤔 Facebook deler data om, hvilket indhold der er populært

Washington Post skriver:

“On Wednesday, the social giant announced that it will begin publishing a quarterly report of its own, called the “Widely Viewed Content Report,” that slices its data along new lines to produce a very different set of rankings.

Instead of presenting Facebook as a hotbed of right-leaning politics, the company’s inaugural report presents a far weirder, messier, and spammier picture: the news feed as a junk-mail folder.”

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😎 Facebook lancerer VR-møder i beta

VentureBeat skriver:

“Facebook is launching its open beta for Horizon Workrooms, a way for people to work together remotely in groups with Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality headsets or other ways of connecting.”

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😮 Norge stiller store krav til influencere og reklamebranchen

Fremover skal den norske mode- og reklamebranche samt influencere tydeligt deklarere det, hvis de har brugt retouchering og lignende redigering i deres billede. Reglerne gælder for influencere, når de udgiver sponserede posts på en række af de store sociale medier.

Læs mere hos Jyllands-Posten.

👩‍⚖️ FTC klar med ny monopolanklage mod Facebook

The Verge skriver:

“The Federal Trade Commission has filed an amended antitrust complaint against Facebook, alleging that the company violated federal antitrust laws with its acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp. The new complaint is a more detailed version of a charge dismissed by the court in June for insufficient evidence.”

🙅‍♂️ Facebook forbyder fortsat indhold fra Taliban

BBC skriver:

“Facebook has confirmed it will continue to ban Taliban content from its platforms as it considers the group to be a terrorist organisation.”

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👍 Nu kan du markere tweets som “vildledende”

TechCrunch skriver:

“Twitter introduced a new test feature Tuesday that allows users to report misinformation they run into on the platform, flagging it to the company as “misleading.” The test will roll out starting today to most users in the U.S., Australia and South Korea.”

🦠 Facebook mangler gennemsigtighed ifm. COVID-19

Vox skriver:

“[…] the reality is we simply don’t know the true size or effect of Covid-19 misinformation on Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram. That’s in large part because Facebook isn’t giving researchers enough of the real-time data they need to figure out exactly how much Covid-19 misinformation is on the platform, who’s seeing it, and how it’s impacting their willingness to get vaccinated.”

📣 Nu kan du søge efter lyd på Instagram

Social Media Today skriver:

“Instagram has added the capacity to search for audio specifically within the search tab in the app, making it easier to tap into trends based on music clips, with a focus on Reels creation based on the same.”

👻 Snapchat lancerer ‘Snapchat Trends’

Social Media Today lancerer:

“Snapchat has launched a new market research tool, which is essentially Google Trends, but for Snapchat specifically, which could be a huge help for marketers looking to tap into the platform.”

📲 Reddit bygger kopi af TikTok-feedet

TechCrunch skriver:

“According to Reddit, most iOS users should have a button on their app directly to the right of the search bar — when tapped, it will show a stream of videos in a TikTok-like configuration. When presented with a video, (which shows the poster who uploaded it and the subreddit it’s from), users can upvote or downvote, comment, gift an award or share it.”

✨ Twitter retter i nyt design

Gizmodos skriver:

“Twitter on Friday announced that it was making changes to the contrast on its new buttons to accommodate people with sensory sensitivities. The company has received various complaints from users about how the new design choices—which include its new Chirp font, high contrast colors and buttons, fewer gray backgrounds, and less divider lines—have impacted them over the past couple of days.”

⏸ Verifikationer på Twitter er igen sat på pause

Social Media Today skriver:

“It seems like Twitter’s oft-troubled verification application process is struggling yet again, with the platform pausing the current expansion of access to its new and improved verification tool in order to refine the systems that it now has in place.”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

📺 TV 2 udvikler selvstændigt nyhedformat til Play

MediaWatch skriver:

“Streamingtjenesten TV 2 Play går…”

(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)

👎 OnlyFans siger nej til porno

Bloomberg skriver:

“Starting in October, the company will prohibit creators from posting material with sexually explicit conduct on its website, which many sex workers use to sell fans explicit content. They’ll still be allowed to put up nude photos and videos, provided they’re consistent with OnlyFans’ policy, the company said Thursday.”

🏃‍♂️ Pocket Casts lover hurtigere podcast-parsing

Henover sommeren blev podcast-app’en Pocket Cast købt af Automattic, der står bag blandt andet WordPress. I en artikel om nogle af de ting, der er på vej, nævner de, at de er ved at “scaling up” og i den forbindelse vil mindske den tid, der går fra en podcast-episode bliver udgivet, til den dukker op i app’en.

Dette er muligvis en hentydning til Apple, der på det seneste har haft problemer med netop den form for podcast-levering.

🙅‍♂️ Danske Medier vil have medier fritaget krav til platforme

Et kommende lovforslag skal forpligte sociale platforme til at fjerne ulovligt indhold indenfor 24 timer. Det synes brancheforeningen Danske Medier er en rigtig god idé, men de vil have medierne undtaget.

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

👏 Zetland nærmer sig 25.000 betalende

Finans skriver:

“Adm. direktør Tav Klitgaard forsøger…”

(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)

💡 Kleis Nielsen: Derfor misforstår medier abonnementer

Media Voices Podcast’en har talt med den danske medieekspert:

“But I think it’s fair to say that in a lot of the marketing that we see, when news organisations who are turning to reader revenues are trying to sell subscriptions, that light is very focused on us, and not very focused on the public that we aim and claim to serve.

And they are the ones who have to convince; you don’t need to convince me or journalists that what we do is important, or that we want more people to engage with it and even pay for it. You need to convince the people who aren’t doing it.”

😕 Apples podcast-abonnementer er kommet skidt fra start

The Verge skriver:

“But in the months since Apple Podcasts’ announcement, podcasters say the platform has failed them in various ways. For a company that prides itself on functionality, design, and ease of use, the new backend’s bungled launch is a mess.

Podcasters say Apple Podcasts Connect, which they’re required to use in order to take advantage of subscriptions, has a confusing interface that often leads to user error scenarios that have them pinging Apple at all hours of the day in a panic — one podcaster’s entire show was seemingly archived until Apple stepped in to help and explain what happened.”

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🤩 Medierne er – omsider – ved at have styr på data

What’s New in Publishing skriver:

“Data basically is a way for companies to become customer-centric […] It’s a tool. Data is basically feedback about how customers are using your product. If we want to know our customers so we can better serve their needs with products and services, we collect data and analyse it.”

🤝 Rygte: Axel Springer vil købe Politico

The Wall Street Journal skriver:

“Axel Springer SE is in talks to purchase an ownership stake in Washington, D.C., publisher Politico, according to people familiar with the matter, a deal that would consummate a yearslong relationship between the two companies”

Læs også:

Axel Springer’s smart acquisition strategy
– Simon Owens’s Media Newsletter

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🔐 Nu kan lyd og video i Messenger blive krypteret

Facebook skriver selv:

“Today, we’re rolling out the option to make voice and video calls end-to-end encrypted on Messenger, along with updated controls for disappearing messages. People expect their messaging apps to be secure and private, and with these new features, we’re giving them more control over how private they want their calls and chats to be.”

😅 Kommende iOS-Safari-design kan angiveligt vælges fra

Gizmodo skriver:

“There’s a lot of neat things coming with iOS 15, but Safari’s redesign was a major disappointment. However, it looks like Apple’s listening to feedback because the sixth iOS 15 beta now gives users the option to bring back the ‘old Safari.'”

😱 Nu sender deepfakes pitches

Wired skriver:

“Some partners at EY, the accounting giant formerly known as Ernst & Young, are now testing a new workplace gimmick for the era of artificial intelligence. They spice up client presentations or routine emails with synthetic talking-head-style video clips starring virtual body doubles of themselves made with AI software—a corporate spin on a technology commonly known as deepfakes.”