Digitale medier i uge 24 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Gør dog som de andre. Læs med på mail:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🔥 Memo: Facebook skal være mere som TikTok
“Simply bringing Reels, the company’s short-form video feature, from Instagram into Facebook wasn’t going to cut it. Executives were closely tracking TikTok’s moves and had grown worried that they weren’t doing enough to compete. In conversations with CEO Mark Zuckerberg earlier this year, they decided that Facebook needed to rethink the feed entirely.”
Mere ↓
Can Meta manage two pivots at once?
Teenagere foretrækker at få nyheder fra TikTok
🤔 Facebook overvejer sine aftaler med medier
I 2019 indgik Facebook en aftaler med en række medier, der skulle vare i tre år. Det er nu, og hvis du følger bare nogenlunde med i, hvor Facebook og Meta har deres hoveder henne, er dette ikke voldsomt overraskende:
“Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook is re-examining its commitment to paying for news, people familiar with the matter said, prompting some news organizations to prepare for a potential revenue shortfall of tens of millions of dollars.”
Læs mere hos The Wall Street Journal
Mere ↓
Facebook looks ready to divorce the news industry, and I doubt couples counseling will help
Nieman Lab
Facebook and paying for news
Columbia Journalism Review
🏎 Google: YouTube Shorts haler ind på TikTok
“More than 1.5 billion people watch YouTube Shorts every month, Alphabet Inc.’s GOOG 2.98% Google disclosed on Wednesday, indicating the short-video service had reached a comparable scale to rival app TikTok after launching less than two years ago.”
➕ Snapchat tester betalingsbetjeneste
“Snap is doing internal tests of a paid subscription called Snapchat Plus, which will apparently give users early access to features, as well as other abilities.”
🤳 LA Times starter team til indholdsproduktion til sociale medier
“Los Angeles Times has formed a six-person team to create content on Instagram and TikTok for a young, diverse audience that may not already be part of the news publisher’s audience. Called 404 by L.A. Times, the team includes content creators, artists, filmmakers, writers and even a puppeteer.”
🤫 “Nude” eller “nud3” – der er en verden til forskel
“Peech kom til at skrive nude i stedet for nud3, og så blev deres indhold nedprioriteret af Instagram, fortæller den ene stifter. Meta erkender at have slettet opslag, men afviser generel nedprioritering.”
🤨 Musk mødte de Twitter-ansatte for første gang
“Elon Musk discussed his stance on what types of content should be allowed on Twitter Inc.’s social network, saying that people should be allowed to say ‘pretty outrageous things’ but that the platform doesn’t have to give those posts reach.”
Mere ↓
When Elon met Twitter
✍️ De store er klar til at underskrive nye regler for misinformation
“As reported by The Financial Times, Meta, Twitter, Google, Microsoft and TikTok are all planning to sign on to an updated version of the EU’s ‘anti-disinformation code’, which will see the implementation of new requirements, and penalties, in dealing with misinformation.”
🛡 Instagram laver “nudging”-tiltag, der skal skåne de unge
“The new nudges will come in two forms, with the main one being an entirely new notification designed to re-direct users away from potentially harmful topics.”
💸 Google overvejer tredjepartsannoncer på YouTube
Intet er endnu officielt, men Digiday skriver, at Google angiveligt har tilbudt tredjeparts-teknologifirmaer at vise annoncer på YouTube. Det gør de for at imødekomme EU, hvad angår monopol.
Det er en ret stor ting, der kan have vidtrækkende konsekvenser, og Digiday har nogle gode spørgsmål. Til gengæld er svarene få:
“We have been engaging constructively with the European Commission. We don’t have anything further to share at this stage.”
🤔 Forbud mod politiske annoncer har ramt de små kampagner
“In a paper published last year, they analyzed the effects of the temporary ban on new political ads that Facebook put in place immediately before and immediately following the 2020 election. They found that while the bans likely had minimal impact on curbing misinformation, they did seem to hurt smaller campaigns, since digital ads are cheaper than other mediums.
The bans also appeared to hurt Democrats more than Republicans, since Democrats generally relied more on Facebook ads for small-dollar fundraising.”
👨👩👦 Meta præsenterer forældreværktøjer til VR-headsets
“Meta is introducing new parental supervision features for Quest virtual reality headsets and Instagram. The VR safety tools, which were announced in March, are rolling out worldwide.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ Så kom årets Reuters Institute-rapport
“This year’s report reveals new insights about digital news consumption based on a YouGov survey of over 93,000 online news consumers in 46 markets covering half of the world’s population.”
- Gå direkte til kødet: Hent rapporten som PDF
- Eller tag executive summary
- Kig i dataene fra de forskellige lande
- Der er mere data her
Artikler og omtaler af rapporten:
Hver femte dansker undgår aktivt nyheder – og andelen stiger især blandt unge
Denne forklaring på, hvorfor flere fravælger nyheder, bekymrer professor mere end tendensen
Danskernes interesse for nyheder falder
Digital News Report 2022: Four key implications for publishers
Digital Content Next
Mere ↓
Tre fra What’s New in Publishing:
What the Digital News Report 2022 means for your eCommerce strategy
💡 10 × indsigt fra FIPP World Congress
“Hundreds of media and publishing leaders from around the world gathered in sunny Cascais in Portugal in June at the FIPP World Congress 2022 to share what they had learned in the last three years. And to enjoy some in person networking in the glorious Portuguese seaside town. These were my top ten insights for the future of the global publishing industry.”
💌 Morning Brew-redaktør om fremtiden for nyhedsbreve
“This week we catch up with Neal Freyman, managing editor at Morning Brew. […] We hear about what’s changed in the newsletter ecosystem this time, what the rise of the individual journalist-led newsletter means for creators, and what new verticals he wants to launch newsletters in.”
Mere om nyhedsbreve:
Farrah Storr of Substack’s insider tips on the newsletter platform
A Q&A with Axios’ Sara Kehaulani Goo on bundling newsletters as an audience engagement strategy
🔚 Mediehusene Midtjylland lukker ungesites
“Under et år efter at Mediehusene Midtjylland lancerede tre nye lokalsites målrettet unge, lukker de nu som selvstændige medier og flytter ind under mediehusets hovedsites.”
Ifølge MediaWatch sker lukningen efter otte måneder. Pudsigt nok lukkede Ekstra Bladets kuldsejlede ungemedie Format også efter otte måneder.
Kan man overhovedet lave et medie for de unge? har jeg tidligere spurgt.
🧑💻 Financial Times lancerer Microsoft Teams-app
“The app will allow users to discover, save and share FT content all within the Teams environment, which has over 270 million monthly active users.”
💰 Ny CopyDan-aftale dækker også digitale kopiere
“CopyDan har udvidet en aftale om kopiering blandt undervisningsinstitutioner, der betyder, at DJ-medlemmer nu kan få betaling for digitale kopier af aviser. Det kommer mange DJ-medlemmer til gode, siger journalistformand”
💭 Spotify lancerer ekspertråd
“Spotify Technology SA on Monday announced it has formed a Safety Advisory Council to provide third-party input on issues such as hate speech, disinformation, extremism and online abuse.”
🇩🇪 Apples tracking skal undersøges i Tyskland
“Germany’s Federal Cartel Office, the Bundeskartellamt, has initiated proceedings against Apple to investigate whether its tracking rules and anti-tracking technology are anti-competitive and self-serving, according to a press release.”
😳 Squid Game på vej som reality show
“In possibly the most tone deaf attempt at cashing in on the most wildly successful television show it has ever produced, Netflix is in the process of casting contestants in a live-action reality show based on Squid Game. Titled Squid Game: The Challenge, the show will feature 456 players competing for $4.56 million, making…”
🆕 Magasinet 360° erstattet af nyt ungemedie
“‘Tingenes Verden’ er navnet på et spritnyt medie henvendt til unge, som fredag så dagens lys. Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse.”
🔎 Adobe udgiver open source-værktøj mod misinformation
“Adobe has a vision for an internet peppered with photos and videos packaged up with extra data about where they came from. The company’s central aim is to mitigate the spread of visual misinformation, but the system could also be a boon for content creators keen to keep their names attached to their work.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📈 Washington Post tror stadig på Arc-CMS’et
“‘I personally think that in the long run — and by long run, I mean, three to four years, not 15 years — Arc XP will be the biggest source of revenue for the Post, and certainly the most profitable source of revenue for the Post,’ said Shailesh Prakash, chief information officer.”
🤷♂️ Hvornår skal man som “creator” kaste håndklædet i ringen?
Mange taler om “creator-økonomien” og for os i og omkring mediebranchen er det især nyhedsbreve, snakken går på. Substack og lignende har gjort det muligt at tjene penge på at udgive et nyhedsbrev – men det er langt fra alle, det lykkes for.
Simon Owens (hvis nyhedsbrev er værd at læse) har en artikel omkring nogle af de overvejelser, nyhedsbrevs-creators slås med og nogle af de beregninger og overslag, han har lavet.
Værd at læse, uanset om du vil leve af et nyhedsbrev eller ej 🙂
🎓 Hvad andre kan lære af The Economists uddannelsesforretning
“Education may not be an obvious segue for a news publisher. But when you look more closely, it can actually be an incredibly powerful way to leverage the expertise of journalists to create something valuable for your audience (and bottom line). The Economist launched its Executive Education pillar in February 2021 as a growth initiative that would allow it to leverage its journalists’ deep knowledge and understanding of global issues.”
🔗 Mediebureauer forsøger at følge med for at forstå Web3
“As the elements that encompass Web3 — the metaverse, NFTs, blockchain, crypto, gaming and DAOs — wend their way into the marketing universe, media agencies are taking heed and learning their makeup and potential as quickly as possible, but without rushing too fast.”
📚 Saxo vil vokse med brugte bøger
“Brugte bøger stod for fire pct. af det samlede salg for onlineboghandlen i marts. Fordelsprogram for kunder skal både skaffe flere i butikken og tage kampen mod konkurrenterne på streamingfronten, lyder det fra virksomheden.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💪 EUs kamp for etisk AI
“France wants to expand the scope of the EU’s groundbreaking new AI Act. Do its plans go far enough?”
🇪🇺 EU vil tvinge tech-firmaer til at bekæmpe deepfakes
“Alphabet Inc unit Google, Facebook Inc, Twitter Inc and other tech companies will have to take measures to counter deepfakes and fake accounts on their platforms or risk hefty fines under an updated European Union code of practice, according to an EU document seen by Reuters.”
🤝 Spotify køber “AI voice”-platformen Sonantic
“For example, this voice technology could allow us to give context to users about upcoming recommendations when they aren’t looking at their screens. Using voice in these moments can reduce barriers to creating new audio experiences—and open up the doors to even more new opportunities.”
Læs mere hos TechCrunch:
“You may not know the name Sonantic, but you may have seen its work. The company was founded to build AI-based realistic voice services for gaming and entertainment environments, and its technology helped bring Val Kilmer’s voice to life in “Top Gun: Maverick.”
In real life, the actor is unable to speak as he did in the past as a result of throat cancer; so for the sequel where he reprised his role as a foil (and now friend) to Tom Cruise, his condition, and the simulated voice Sonantic created, were both written into the plot of the film.”
🕸 Internettet mangler “crawl”-neutralitet
“Unbeknownst to many, one of the biggest obstacles to competing in search is a lack of crawl neutrality. The only way to build an independent search engine and the chance to fairly compete against Big Tech is to first efficiently and effectively crawl the Internet.”
Det er en virkelig god pointe.
👋 Nu er Internet Explorer officielt lukket og slukket
“Microsoft has announced it will kill off its much-maligned legacy internet browser Internet Explorer close to 27 years after it graced desktop computers in 1995.”