Uge 20 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
⛔ Montana forbyder TikTok som første USA-stat
“Greg Gianforte, the governor, signed legislation prohibiting mobile app stores from offering the video-sharing platform by next year”
🛡️ USA’s højesteret beskytter stadig platforme fra brugernes bidrag
“The Supreme Court declined to address the legal liability shield that protects tech platforms from being held responsible for their users’ posts, the court said in an unsigned opinion on Thursday.”
💸 TikTok vil betale skabere af filtre og effekter
“A new $6 million fund will pay creators based on the number of videos that use their filters and effects.”
📉 Rapport: Politisk indhold fylder mindre på Facebook
“Meta has published its latest Widely Viewed Content Report, which provides insight into the most viewed content in the app, and the latest trends of note in Facebook feed consumption. […]
So yes, Facebook is pretty much as you would expect – cute cat videos and celebrity trends, with political content virtually non-present among its most-viewed lists.
Which, as noted, is not unexpected, given that Meta has sought to reduce the presence of political posts, based on feedback from users.”
🤖 Sådan bruger TikTokkere AI til at omskrive historien
“Since the launch of image generators like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, a new wave of generative AI-focused creators have taken to TikTok. These accounts, some of which already have followings in the hundreds of thousands, post slideshow carousels of novel AI art. But one subset of creators is playing into a decolonial curiosity with its content — one that seems to ask, what if Western imperial nations never came to power?”
💡 Tips til dine LinkedIn-posts
“This infographic could help. Building on research conducted by LinkedIn expert Richard van der Blom last year, the Creativity and Innovation Network has published some new findings on key LinkedIn algorithm recommendations, based on analysis of 2,000 posts published in the app between February in March this year.”
👋 Hver tredje dansker har forladt Twitter på to år
“Hver tredje danske bruger af Twitter har i løbet af de sidste to år forladt det sociale medie. Det viser en undersøgelse fra Ingeniørforeningen IDA, fremgår det af en pressemeddelelse.”
🎥 Twitter Blue-abonnenter kan nu uplade videoklip på op til to timer
“It’s been coming for a while, but Twitter has today confirmed that Twitter Blue subscribers – all 650k of them – can now upload videos up to two hours long in the app.”
🤔 Twitter blokerer for indhold op til valg i Tyrkiet
“Twitter announced late Friday that it’s blocking some content in Turkey ahead of Sunday’s presidential election in the country. The social media company did not explain which tweets would be blocked, nor who made the request, but current president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has previously blocked Twitter across all of Turkey.”
🔓 Vi kan ikke helt store på Twitters krypterede DM
Det er lidt teknisk, men hvis du er interesseret i sikkerhed og kryptering, især omkring din private kommunikation, har Platformer en interessant artikel til dig.
- WhatsApp is getting locked conversations [The Verge]
🤖 Meta præsenterer generative AI-værktøjer til annoncører
“Facebook parent Meta dipped its toe into generative AI this week by announcing AI Sandbox. Advertisers can use it to create alternative ad versions, use text prompts to generate backgrounds and crop images for Facebook or Instagram ads.”
- Dansk Facebook-chef opfordrer annoncører til at lade AI tage over [MediaWatch]
👓 Sådan appellerer TikTok til annoncører
“TTCX, as outlined in the pitch deck, gives a revealing look at how TikTok is courting its advertisers. In its bid to seemingly win over ad dollars from other platforms, TikTok pitched itself as “redefining how products and services are being discovered and purchased.” Access to those tools cost at least $20,000 to $35,000, according to the pitch deck.”
🤔 Handler udpegelsen af ny Twitter-CEO om at vinde annoncører tilbage?
“Adland leaders view Elon Musk’s move as proof the platform wants to win brands back.”
- Twitter Conspiracy Bozos Are Freaking Out Over Elon’s WEF-Friendly CEO Pick [Gizmodo]
- Twitter Finally Agrees On Something: Hating Musk’s New CEO [Rolling Stone]
- Twitter’s New CEO, Linda Yaccarino, Has a Fearsome To-Do List [Wired]
- Baggrund: Twitter’s new CEO is Linda Yaccarino, a longtime ad exec for NBCU [The Verge]
- The reason Elon Musk is torpedoing Twitter’s brand [Fast Company]
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📜 Reuters nedfælder framework for brug af AI
“Reuters set out a framework for using artificial intelligence to support its journalism with ‘rigorous oversight by newsroom editors’ and adopted a mantra: Be skeptical and verify.”
- Svenske mediekoncerner indfører retningslinjer for brug af AI [MediaWatch]
- How you want me to cover artificial intelligence [Platformer]
🤝 5 store medier i Acasts podcast-konsortium
“The Guardian, Times, Economist, Financial Times and Tortoise took podcasting “really seriously”, investing in audio teams and strategies, and it has paid off, according to Acast’s partnerships manager who works with publishers in the UK.
The five publishers are now joining together for the UK’s first Publishers in Podcasting consortium, coordinated by Acast, through which they will share best practice, expertise and experience.”
🗣 Apple beta-tester undertekster på bl.a. podcasts
“With Live Captions (beta), spoken dialogue is turned into text and displayed in real time on your iPhone screen. You can more easily follow the audio in any app, such as FaceTime or Podcasts, and in live conversations around you. Live Captions is available on iPhone 11 and later when the primary language is set to English (U.S.) or English (Canada).”
👤 NYT lancerer udvidede bylines
“Starting Thursday, New York Times stories online will no longer include a traditional dateline that tells where a story was reported from. Instead, certain stories will have “enhanced bylines” that tells readers more about how journalists did the reporting.”
🔎 SEO-tips til journalister
“Some SEO tools and programmes used by news organisations are too expensive for freelancers but there is still a lot you can do to improve your SEO skills from home if you are looking for opportunities where it is needed.”
📺 Derfor skærer TV 2 i Play-funktionalitet
“I kampen mod ulovlig abonnementsdeling indfører TV 2 nu ny betingelse om, at samme livekanal ikke kan spille over flere skærme på samme tid på samme Play-abonnement.”
- En fjerdedel af TV 2 Plays abonnenter deler stadig adgang i strid med reglerne [MediaWatch]
🎧 Podimo vil teste personalisering sammen med medier
“Inden for kort tid vil platformen teste en nyhedsfunktion i Danmark, som skal tilbyde personaliserede nyheder på lyd til de travle medieforbrugere baseret på en kombination af kunstig intelligens og menneskelig kuratering.”
Kontekst: Det lyder lidt som det personaliserede nyhedsoverblik på lyd, Google eksperimenterede med (den inkludere dog ikke syntetisk oplæsning, hvis jeg husker korrekt), men lukkede i november 2021.
🤷♂️ Hvad sker der med Googles Assistant?
“Google executives hosted the company’s I/O developer conference this week, an annual ritual that has in recent years centered on artificial intelligence. […]
But hardly a word was said about Google Assistant, the clunkily named and voice-centric AI assistant that was the company’s previous AI champion. That was a noticeable omission, because Google Assistant took center stage at I/O on numerous occasions in years past, championed by Pichai as an all-purpose AI helper growing smarter by the year, and integrated into products like search and the Android operating system.”
😯 Annoncer fra nonprofits dukker op på misinformations-sites
“Programmatically-placed ads for dozens of nonprofits and universities have been showing up on misinformation websites — including some that overtly conflict with the missions of major organizations paying for those ads, per new report release today.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🎧 NYT lancerer lyd-app kun til abonnenter
“New York Times Audio is a new iOS app for news subscribers featuring audio journalism and storytelling on everything from the most important world events to what to cook tonight.”
- The New York Times launches a subscribers-only “Headlines” podcast in a new audio app [Nieman Lab]
➕ Mediebundles vinder frem i Europa
“Publishers in five European markets introduced cable-style subscription bundles that include national and local news, magazines, podcasts, video, and other benefits. If this model works, the innovation will likely spread globally.”
🧹 Der skal ryddes op i det digitale annoncemiljø
“Global Alliance of Responsible Media (Garm) er blevet indtrådt på dansk jord som startskuddet til et samarbejde, der skal gøre det lettere for annoncører at undgå skadeligt indhold på digitale medieplatforme. Det fortæller Thomas Kragh, adm. direktør i brancheforeningen Danske annoncører og markedsførere (Daom), som er initativtageren for arbejdet i Danmark.”
💰 Hvilke historier får folk til at støtte The Guardian?
“‘The harder the investigation, the more challenging, the more legal attacks we have, the more the readers come and back us,’ [Guardian editor-in-chief Katharine Viner] said. ‘And so I think it’s a really inspiring model for investigative journalism.'”
💡 Sådan skaffede schweizisk medie 600.000 registrerede brugere
“Blick is a Swiss German- and French-language daily newspaper with 1.3M users/day and an impressive registration strategy that has led to over 600K logged users.
I recently spoke to Adrian Gottwald, Head of reader revenue, and Bettina Widmer, Head of Vertical Hub, about their diverse (and very impressive) registration acquisition strategy, the tests and learnings so far and their plans for the future, including the planned launch of their first digital premium product.”
📺 Fem millioner på Netflix’ abonnement med annoncer
“Netflix Inc’s recently launched ad-supported tier reaches nearly 5 million active users per month, executives said on Wednesday in a pitch that emphasized the breadth of its programming to potential advertisers.”
“Google yesterday said it will deprecate third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users globally in the first quarter of 2024. It also plans to plant a few more flags even before then, with the sandbox taking shape even more as early as this summer. In July, new APIs for all users globally will be included in the latest version of Chrome. Later this year, Google expects to enable an opt-in testing mode starting in the fourth quarter with an ultimate goal of getting rid of third-party cookies by the end of 2024.”
✅ Google stiller krav til mediers brug af samtykkeværktøjer
“Google has a new policy requiring European-based publishers using its monetization tools to work exclusively with consent management platforms that comply with the ad industry’s standardized privacy protocol known as the Transparency Consent Framework (TCF).”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤨 Hvad betyder AI i søgning for websider generelt?
“From Google’s demos, what’s clear is less traffic will go to publishers. The move from links to “citations” should scare publishers, and the visitors that do arrive at publisher sites will expect different, more dynamic experiences than the current static pages cluttered with overlapping display ads, autoplay videos, pleas to sign up for newsletters, register, subscribe and allow desktop notifications. “
Læs også:
- WTF is prompt engineering, and will we all need to acquire the skill? [WorkLife]
🔌 OpenAI præsenterer 70 plugins til ChatGPT Plus
“From entertainment and shopping to job searches and weather forecasts, these experimental features are poised to revolutionize the user experience, bringing a wealth of possibilities to your chat interface.”
- OpenAI is rolling out ChatGPT Plugins to Plus subscribers. Here’s why that’s a big deal. [VentureBeat]
📍 Hvordan ser “praktisk AI” ud for lokalmedier?
“For some of the use cases mentioned in this report, data is sourced from commercial providers. In others, it is taken straight from local and national government sources. In the case of Stavanger Aftenblad’s junior sports coverage, it comes from the football league administration, with match reporting supplied by team coaches using a mobile app.”
📲 OpenAI lancerer ChatGPT-app til iPhone i USA
“On Thursday, OpenAI released a free ChatGPT app for iPhone in the US that includes voice input support through its Whisper AI speech recognition model; it can also synchronize chat history with the web version of the AI assistant. The move brings ChatGPT to an official mobile client app for the first time.”
🤖 Amazon vil bruge ChatGPT i søgningen
“ Inc. plans to bring ChatGPT-style product search to its web store, rivaling efforts by Microsoft Corp. and Google to weave generative artificial intelligence into their search engines.”
🥱 EUs AI Act kan tidligst træde i kraft om et år
“Der går mindst et år, og måske op til tre år, før EU’s nye fælles regler for brugen af kunstig intelligens, den såkaldte ‘AI Act’, kan træde i kraft, lød det ifølge Børsen på en briefing fra EU-kommissær Margrethe Vestager, der har ansvar for digitalisering, tech-regulering og konkurrence som ledende næstformand i EU Kommissionen.”